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KI&E - pdf file 
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Edward Elgar Publishing Limited;
Cheltenham, UK, Brookfield


Preface xi

Part I
Knowledge and Evolution

1. Conventionalism in Socio-economic Analysis 3
Methodology of Research of Contemporary Physics 5
Conventionalism in Economics – Methodological Proposition 13

2. Knowledge Development as an Evolutionary Process 16 (sample figures)
Development of Knowledge and Biological Evolution 17
Structure of the Hereditary Information 23
Mode of Development 24
Mechanisms of Fulguration of Archetypes 25

3. Taxonomy of Knowledge 30
Epigenetic Paragons 33
Image of the World 35
Image of the Society 44
Image of the Economy 46
Paradigm 67

Part II
Economics and Evolution

4. Neoclassical and Evolutionary Perspectives in Economics 71
Optimization and Equilibrium 76
Knowledge 77
Concept of Competing Firms 78
Perception of Time 80
Random Factors 81

5. The Evolutionary Model of Industry Development 83
Firms’ Decisions 86
Firms’ Entry 93
Competition of Products in the Market 94

6. Economic Analysis and the Model 101 sample figures
How are Prices Set? 102
Long- and Short-term Objectives in the Decision-making Process 110
Concentration of Industry 115
The Cost of Production and the Productivity of Capital 122
Economies of Scale 127
Demand Function 135
Economy is a Dynamic System 141
Bounded Rationality and Fluctuations in Industry Development 147

7. Innovation and Economic Development 162 sample figures
Search Process 165
Differentiation and Competition of Products 168
Innovation – Groping in the Dark 171
Innovation Regimes 180
Entry and the Industry Structure 188

8. Chance and Necessity in Economic Development 195

Basic Values of the Model Parameters 203

Bibliography 207